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Jones Jones' Profile


Jones Jones

Drivers Education

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Contact Info:


About Me

Educational History:

Graduate Of:

Okmulgee High School,  Okmulgee Oklahoma

University Of Fort Benning Georgia,  Ft. Benning Georgia

Southeastern Oklahoma State University,  Durant Oklahoma

Council On Law Enforcement Education and Training,  Ada Oklahoma


Current Position:

I began Coaching in 2001 in Durant Oklahoma.

My first year at Kingston was 2010.

I currently teach Drivers Education.

Previous Position:

I have been a Coach and Teacher at Kingston, Durant, Leonard Tx. Madill.

I am very thankful that the Lord has given me the opportunity to help young men and women on and off the field.

Family Information:

I have been married for 19 years to my beautiful wife Christin.

We have three Kidos Mariah, Kylee, and Rhew J.

The girls are in college at Southeastern Oklahoma, and Rhew J is a Jr. here at Kingston.

The girls have a dog that fortunately moved to college with them his name is Snuggles.

Personal Information:

I love to fish, and cookut for my family. I also love to watch any University of Oklahoma sports.  Taking my fiends and family out on the water is probably my favorite thing of all.

Jones Jones

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