Special education provides the opportunity for a student with a disability to learn and prepare for meaningful participation in society. Kingston Public Schools provides special education and related services to students with disabilities.
Professional educators with special training and expertise implement various instructional programs and assist parents in the decision-making process regarding individualized instruction for children with disabilities. Students are provided educational services in their least restrictive environment in order to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Materials, supports, and specialized instruction are provided to assist children with disabilities so they may benefit from the educational program.
Kingston’s special education program seeks to develop policies and procedures that are in compliance with PL 108-466, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and its 2004 reauthorization, to provide a free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities.
We are eager to help you in anyway we can. Please contact our Director of Special Education Services, Teresa Golden, with additional questions.